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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Was your love with Simpson "solid as a rock?"


Neil said...

No, I'm not A-Rod.

Steve said...

Don't know much about baseball.
I will re ask the question --and you are/were a husband and wife singing group

Neil said...

No clue. Another YNQ.

Steve said...

Ashford and Simpson was the singing couple
"Solid as a rock....thats what our love is"

While those are words I would sing to you any day, Schmeig, I think this was a hit in the eighties, as I reminder some people in the dorm singing a variation to the same tune...Solid as my ----.
Yeah well, it was funny and witty when I was twenty.

Are we primarily an academic?

Neil said...

Hey, it's still funny and witty as far as I'm concerned. We are not primarily an academic.